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How to access Quickbooks desktop remotely using QBox?

Sharissa Barnett Feb 3, 2023 11:13:41 AM
woman working from home and access quickbooks desktop remotely

Various technological developments are facilitating the introduction of better applications that make working remotely effective. Tools like QuickBooks Desktop now allow accountants to work remotely. 

QuickBooks helps do away with lots of paperwork, which can be stressful to manage and go through. It makes invoicing, billing, and tracking of expenses much easier. Additionally, it has made the processing of payrolls and online payments faster.

But the great news is you can now access QuickBooks using Qbox. This guide elaborates on how you can achieve this and work remotely with fewer challenges.  

Install Qbox 

You can access QuickBooks desktop remotely on your computer when you install Qbox. Remember, QuickBooks is an integrated app in Qbox. So, after downloading it, you can easily access the two.  

Here’s how the process works:

  • First, log into your Qbox account and go to the admin page. 
  • Then click on “download Qbox client” and download it. Save it where you can easily find it. 
  • After that, run “SetUp.exe. Your computer can request you to save the Qbox or install the microsoft.Net framework.
  • Then sign into the Qbox by entering your email address and password. Click on the submit button afterward. 
  • Go to the email sent from Qbox and click the password reset link.
  • Create another password and click submit.
  • After that, revisit the Qbox website and press accept the “End User License Agreement.”
  • Type your company’s name and contact number.
  • Go ahead and create and review the root folder that appears on the next screen.
  • Then generate the sync folders and invite other colleagues by typing their email addresses.
  • Click on download, install the Qbox client application, and log in again. 
  • After that, you will see the Qbox icon on the screen.

After successfully installing Qbox, you will see the Qbox client icons. Through the icons, you can access QuickBooks using Qbox. 

Copy the QuickBooks Files to the Qbox Sync Folder

The next step after installing Qbox is to copy the QuickBooks files to enable you to access them using Qbox. 

Open QuickBooks by clicking on its icon. Copy the files from QuickBooks to the Qbox. 

You can do this using the following methods:

Qbox QuickBooks Manual Sync

  • First, back up all the QuickBooks files on an external network or drive. But remember to set the Qbox sync to manual.
  • Highlight the QBW and TLG files and copy them.
  • Copy and paste the files to the Qbox sync folder of your choice. Ensure you get the confirmation message after the completion of the files.
  • Then change the Qbox sync mode to auto and access your QuickBooks desktop files.

Qbox QuickBooks Auto Sync

Another method you can use to access files from QuickBooks through Qbox is by allowing auto sync. This happens if you connect the QuickBooks account to other online services. You can use the following steps to copy QuickBooks files to the Qbox sync folder:

  • First, backup all the QuickBooks files and save them well.
  • Then set the Qbox sync mode to manual.
  • Restore the files you had backed up previously.
  • After that, a popup will appear requesting you to choose where to save the file. Go to the Qbox directory and select the sync folder.
  • After the restoration process is complete, close the file.
  • You can access these files through the sync folder on Qbox explorer. But if you can't access the files after this, consider refreshing the Qbox explorer.
  • Then set Qbox sync mode back to auto. 

Set up QuickBooks Attachments in Qbox

If you have been using QuickBooks attachments before installing the Qbox account, it's best to copy the attachment folder to Qbox. You can copy the attachment folder to the Qbox QuickBooks sync folder to allow you to access QuickBooks desktop through Qbox by:

  • Back up your data first on an external drive.
  • Go to the Qbox explorer settings and unselect the ‘hide items not shared.’
  • Then right-click the attachment folder and click on share on Qbox
  • Check the ‘hide items not shared’ box.
  • Go to the Qbox web dashboard and search for the sync folder where you have added the attachment folder.
  • Right-click on the attachment folder to enable the attachments.
  • But you will need admin permission to add the attachments on Qbox. Click the ‘Share’ button to get admin permission, then check the admin box.
  • Finally, restart the Qbox client to allow the attachment folder to sync.

Why You Should Access QuickBooks Desktop Through Qbox

The main reason you should access your QuickBooks desktop files through Qbox is to have updated data. Remember, Qbox auto-syncs the files through their server for every remote user, providing them with an updated version. But remote users can still access the local QuickBooks file and view or print it.

Additionally, Qbox warns remote users if another user has the “lock” while they try to access the QuickBooks files. It can warn you that the changes you make can be overwritten if the other colleague logs off and syncs.

It is also suitable for remote workers with unreliable internet connections. You don’t have to work online for your data to be safe. Qbox works as offline storage with different data versions, which helps recover corrupted files. But it requires more time for the files to sync.

It's also cheap to use QuickBooks through Qbox to access and store data as offsite backup. Moreover, different people can access QuickBooks Desktop through Qbox. This happens if you install Qbox on a LAN (Local Server Network). 

So, all the company’s remote workers can work simultaneously.  This article sums up how to remote access Quickbooks desktop for your business. The first person to open the company file has the lock, while the last remote worker to log off receives the key to release the lock. 

Checking on the progress made by your colleagues also gets easier if you're using QuickBooks through Qbox. You can keep checking the changes on QuickBooks files throughout Qbox. Qbox can also facilitate communication as colleagues can share files faster.

Can I Access my QuickBooks Desktop Data from Multiple Devices?

Yes. You can access QuickBooks desktop remotely on multiple devices once you install the right app. Install Qbox, invite your colleagues, share different files, and let everyone work remotely from other locations. 

The best thing about this app is that it allows for a 30-day free trial. So, sign up and access all important data seamlessly.

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